The ensue is full way description of disassembly/reassembly Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine. In this manual is listed according to the disassembly procedures. If you find the certain unit or assembly, please consult it’s name by the picture in the "Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L Service Repair Manual"
Main components of Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L include: White Roller, OPE cover, ADF rubber, Lever sensor Doc, OPE board, Lever sensor Scan, Scan Board, Scan Motor, ADF Roller, CIS, Rear cover, left cover, Tray, LSU, Engine Board, Transfer roller, Pick-up Roller assembly, Knock-up assembly, Motor, Fan, Gear pick-up assembly, Solenoid, HPVS, Fuser, Halogen lamp, SMPS Board, Sensor Board, Roller feeder …
Before disassembly/reassembly Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine notes:
– Turn off machine
– Please wait until cool down
– Review “Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L Service Repair Manual” & then disassembly/reassembly
The following is disassemble (removable) components Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L machine manual.
I.How to remove cover Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L machine
OPE cover
1. Pull the front cover of the machine by press 2 button left and right.
2. take away two hooks and unplug all connector to front cover
3. Unlatch the Front Cover unit & remove it from the frame.
4. Take out 2 screws, then take out the bracket scan Board.
5. Unplug all connectors from the scan Board.
6. Pull up OPE Cover.
7. take away the hook out of the OPE Cover.
8. Unlatch the bottom ends, then remove the OPE Cover
Rear cover
1. take away 2 screws.
2. Pulloutthe back and remove rear Cover.
Top cover
1. Remove OPE & rear cover.
2. Move out 2 screws on left and right cover
3. Take out 2 screw as shown below and lift the Top cover
II. How to remove white roller Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine
1. Open the OPE Cover.
2. Press the bushing on the end of the white roller slightly inside, then rotate until it reaches the slot.
3. Remove White roller
III. How to remove LSU Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L machine
1. Move out all Cover.
2. Move out 2 screws on the left and right LSU
3. Unplug all connectors and remove LSU
IV. How to remove Pick-up roller Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine
1. Remove all cover and LSU
2. Unplug connector with the main board.
3. Move out 4 screws and lift up plate upper
4. Take out 2 screws, then remove the pick-up roller out of plate upper.
V. How to remove HVPS Board Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine
1. take away all cover
2. Move out 3 screws & 1 connector from the HVPS board, then remove it
VI. How to remove Fuser Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine
1. Remove all cover
2. Take out two screws & 2 connector after remove two screws from the Main frame & 1 connector from the inter connector.
3. Remove 2 screws & unlatch the fuser unit
More details, you accurrence in "Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L Service Repair Manual".
Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L Service Repair Manual document very important with technician when mend, disassemble (removable) components the Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine. "Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L Service Repair Manual" guide technician remove and install components internal Samsung FAX-1120L/1160L machine, providing them knowledge intensive the component, how to take apart and meliorate bugs in the process of used Samsung printer FAX-1120L/1160L machine that the user themselves can not meliorate.
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